Thursday, 18 February 2016


Updated: 05/17/2012
Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.


[YEA]  06/28/2011: Diane from Los Angeles, California Usa: "Hello my eczema started out as a tiny patch near my right ankle and grew all the way up a part of my leg! One of my doctors actually thought I had CANCER and even ordered a biopsy! That is how bad it looked. My rash looked swollen and had large pimple bumps on the rash! I tried everything-- every remedy people said had worked on them. Nothing would work. Malibu tan lotion gave me some relief. One doctor gave me
Triamcinolone Acetonide cream USP, 0.1%.
But that would not work either. Finally I took the illness into my own hands. I began placing my foot in the bath tub I tookthe SOFT shower brush got the bar of soap in the soap dish and I rubbed the brush into the bar of soap and I scrubbed the rash with the soap and I left the soap on for about 30 seconds. I rinsed the soap off and dried my skin and placed Vaseline and with the next scrubbing I placed Triamicinolone Acetonide cream after each scrubbing with the bar of soap.
I scrub with the soap a few times a day and alternate with the Triamicinolone cream or the Vaseline. Immediately my rash started to improve! I suppose the soap was killing the bacteria from the skin with the soap scrubbing! Anyway this is what worked for me A GOOD OLD FASHION SOAP SCRUB. Any bar of soap seems to work.
The eczema is about 99 1/2 improved. Only a slight redness remains. I hope this helps someone. I was so frustrated and helpless before I tried this."


[YEA]  12/17/2007: Faith from Visalia, California: "I have had an outbreak of dermatitis eczema on my face around my eyes and nose for a little over a month. After being diagnosed at the doctor I was put onto "Free and Clear" shampoo and conditioner. I immediately saw results, within a few days. I also have tried creams including zinc.(diaper rash creams etc..) They are ok to use while at home as a relief for the burning and itching but too noticeable to use all the time. The dermatologist I saw suggested I use a zinc supplement as well, either in a multivitamin or in a singular supplement. I have not yet tried this but she informed me that zinc is good for healing skin. Hope this information helps some of you! Eczema is a terrible thing to deal with and causes alot of discomfort as well as insecurities!"

[YEA]  05/19/2008: Trey from Minot, ND: "I also notice that summer time usually stops the eczema but comes back in the winter. But chlorine has always made it worse whenever I've gone swimming. I think sunlight might help."[BETTER BUT NOT CURED]  04/28/2008: Anna from Elk Grove, California, USA: "i have red blotches of eczema on my arms. It gets really bad in winter and spring. In summer, when I'm out in the pool and sunlight it heals, almost totally goes away. Then comes back again with a vegence in the fall/winter. Does sunlight or chlorine help in healing it?"Replies
[NAY]  06/02/2008: Nick from Grayslake, Illinois replies: "re: Eczema: Sunlight seems to make my skin more itchy and red, I believe that my skin better in summer because of the relaxing time of year were I seem to have more fun and not because of the sun."


[YEA]  10/15/2009: Danijel from Minneapolis, Mn: "I had problem with my skin excema for years. I started taking vitamin B5 and superoxidants and and my skin started clearing after two weeks. Now I do not have any facial and back skin excema! It is worth a try! Good luck!"
EC: B5 is also known as Pantothenic Acid.
[YEA]  04/13/2011: L.b. from Mansfield, Oh replies: "Thank you so much for recommending the B5! I started getting the dermatis on my face a couple years ago. I tried everything and the only thing that would help keep it at bay was, I would wash my face in honey only no other products and put sweet almond oil on afterwards. I tried the acv, didn't work. When I read about you taking B5 I went to the Health Food store and bought a good brand of B complex. I took one in morning and one in evening and within a week my skin has improved so dramaticly. I was almost in tears at finally finding something that really works. You all who have it know what it means. Thanks again so much. I can't wait to see what another week will bring. My hair even feels softer. Make sure you get a good brand of the Bcomplex. Your health care person can help you decide. Thanks to all who post here and to Earth Clinic!"
[YEA]  12/11/2008: Gean from Salina, KS: "My sister's three small children all suffered with itchy eczema, until she started giving them Moducare, which is plant sterols and sterulins. I don't remember how much she gave them, but I believe it was the recommended dose for small children - ages 1 1/2 and up. It's a tasteless powder that comes in a capsule, so you can mix it with applesauce or juice. All the eczema issues resolved. She stopped giving it to them after about a year or so, and the eczema never came back.
Moducare also greatly helped an asthmatic child who was told by his dr. he'd have to be on steroids for the rest of his life. He never did take the steroids, and the asthma got better."
EC: More information:
Each capsule/tablet contains: per capsule/tablet daily dose
Sterols (from pine) 20 mg 60 mg
Sterolins (from pine) 0.2 mg 0.6 mg


[YEA]  11/18/2006: Celene from West Springfield, MA: "I tried using a teaspoon of table salt, mixed with a little warm water to form a paste. I applied it to the side of my nose (where the crease is) because i have a very itchy patch of skin there that I can't seem to stop scratching! Putting salt on itchy skin works! It breaks the scratch/itch cycle, but eating garlic everyday will help also!"

[YEA]  01/02/2010: Sp from Nashville, Tn: "Tea tree oil is the only thing that worked for my eczema. I have eczema on the back of my neck, chest and on my legs. I have tried using virgin coconut oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, cleaning it with borax, .... no of these methods worked for me. I even have a prescription cream that worked only when I used it every day. When I don't use the cream the eczema comes back.
The only thing that truly worked for me is the TEA TREE OIL.
I mix a a couple of drops with almond oil or olive oil in the palm of my hand and rub it on the spots every night. My condition cleared up within one week of this treatment. The irritation, itchiness, redness is gone. It has been one month now and I am eczema free. I still do use the treatment weekly to keep eczema at bay."


[QUESTION]  02/19/2009: Michelle from Charlotte, NC: "Hi Ted,
I recently in the last year have developed eczema on the back of my legs and face. I want to try your sodium carbonate remedy but was wondering if I could put it in vinegar. I take 2T of ACV in a glass of water w/ 1/2t of baking soda 3x a day. Can I add the sodium carbonate to that? I tried sodium carbonate and baking soda in a glass of water-1/4 t each and it did help my eczema immediately. Just want to know if I can combine it w/ the vinegar so I am not taking too many tonics. By the way, I love the vinegar- it gives me energy and has upped my metabolism.
Thank you for all your help,
EC: Michelle, would you kindly tell us where you bought sodium carbonate? It keeps coming up! Thanks...
11/17/2009: Jjc from Indio, Ca, USA replies: "My son is 7years old and suffers from severe eczsema. I am DESPERATELY searching for an alternative cure. I already started on ACV w/honey and baking soda for about 1 week already, but it has only cured his wheezing..which i'm very grateful for. However, I started washing him with 25% ACV and 75% water..he cries because it stings and the downside is i've only seen it relieve the itching for a couple of hours and it comes back during the night. The next morning it's very, very irritated. I've been trying this treatment for only 3days, will it get better? I would really like to try the sodium carbonate & baking soda remedy but i read that the sodium carbonate (washing soda) can cause vomiting, is that true? HELP"
11/17/2009: Jae from Baltimore, Md replies: "Did you mean asthma? If you are referring to asthma try elderberry syrup. My son had a bad cough and wheezing and we used that and it went away quickly."
11/20/2009: Kate from Adelaide, Australia replies: "I had severe eczema as a child too, so I'd like to think I can help some people out there. Firstly though I will say I am not able to help you with your current questions on Apple Cider Vinegar, etc. It wasn't until I was in my mid teens when acidic properties looked like they were to blame for my eczema, in particular oranges. You can get patch tests performed at dermatologists. They will test your son for numerous allergic possibilities. Over the years, I have also had to watch my intake of other acidic fruits such as tomatoes, lemons, limes and even grapes. Your son could possibly be having a reaction like this, if he does eat say lots of oranges for example. It is also a good idea to keep a food diary. You can record what your boy eats each day in one column, and in another column you can write his reaction to that food, if any. Eventually you will see a pattern form. There may be one or more culprits. I am not sure if you have been using any cortisone creams on your son. If so, it is advisable to try and put the cream on 'before' he feels any itching. I used to apply it once I had already starting scratching and by that point it was useless because it would just make me want to scratch even more. When I learned to apply it religiously (about 2-3 times per day) it would be more controllable. Keep your boy away from soap, there are plenty of soap free products today that will be gentler for his skin. Buy more natural based fibres for his clothes such as cotton. Wool is one of the most awful fabrics for eczema skin! The worst thing one can do is scratch an eczema spot 'vigorously' as in up and down the arm as that will only spread it. Just digging a nail lightly in or even just pressing against the itchy point is usually enough to relieve the itch. Remember 'Knowledge Is Power' so explore this condition as much as you can and you will help your son no end."


[YEA]  05/16/2007: Deanna from Seattle: "I have had eczema around my nose for years now and have experimented with every imaginable remedy on the planet to see what helps. Somethings would help for 2 days and then it would come back. Well, recently we ran out of our normal toothpaste and bought a natural one without fluoride at Whole Foods. 3 days later my eczema was gone. I didn't think the toothpaste was doing a great job at getting my teeth cleaned so I went and bought the usual fluoride toothpaste. Within 24 hours my eczema came back. Yep, I put it all together and went back to the non-fluoride toothpaste, supplemented with a good ole brush of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda every other day or so. Eczema disappeared, not to return. Teeth, healthy and fresh. From the research I am now doing on the web, it appears that fluoride causes a lot of serious health problems! Glad to make the discovery."

[YEA]  04/04/2009: Nadia from Palm Coast, Florida: "Turmeric skin cream (Aurvedic medicine) helped with eczema. My two year old son has had an eczema since he was three months. It was bad, involving I'd say 90% of his body. We tried changing diet, different creams,steroids...nothing helped until we found the turmeric skin cream (somebody recommended it on this website). It worked like a miracle for my son, his skin turned soft and eczema free within hours!!! I strongly encourage all to try the cream. You may find it in any Indian store, or online. The eczema still comes back now, but it's just a few spots on his body, and the cream usually takes care of it very fast... we also use this cream for my teen age daughter for her acne- it cleared her face."[YEA]  09/06/2008: Paa from Fremont, CA: "Hi,
I wanted to share a remedy that worked really well on my baby's excema. When it oozes, vicco turmeric (found in any Indian store, it's a turmeric paste in a sandalwood oil base - no other ingredients) works wonders. I just tried it by chance one day and now everytime her excema flares up that's all I use. It's doesn't moisturize well but cures the oozing & flare up really fast so I use it in combination with Burts Bees baby moisturizer.
[YEA]  02/03/2007: SuSu from Sacramento, CA: "After taking turmeric, 1/4 heaping tsp, and then stopping, I realized that the eczema on my palms had disappeared and then returned when I quit taking the turmeric. I resumed and it's been gone ever since."

[YEA]  01/05/2009: Deanna from Topeka, Kansas: "My hands used to break out with eczema every time the seasons changed.Doctors would prescribe steriods and creams when I had a flair up. This happened from the age of 17-25 until a lady that I worked with told me the cure. She told me that her brother used to have problems with it until an old-fashioned doctor told him to urinate on his hands at the first sign of a breakout I was desperate so I tried it .I did it for 3 nights before I went to bed.It worked!I've had to do it approximately 2-3 since then and I'm 40 years old now! TRY IT!! I'ts AMAZING!!!"

[YEA]  05/09/2007: Tom from Sunnyvale, CA: "vinegar and olive oil Ailment: psoriasis
When I was in elementary school, I had psoriasis on my elbows and knees, and all over the side of my face! It got behind my ears so bad I used to dream that my ears were falling off.
None of the doctor's remedies helped. Then my parents found this old home-remedy book from around the 1700s. It had what I call the salad dressing cure.
You soak the affected skin with vinegar for a few minutes, then you cover it with warmed olive oil (make sure it isn't too hot).
It got so I hated vinegar for years because of the smell (I think Apple Cider Vinegar would have been much more bearable), but it worked! The psoriasis went completely away, and I no longer felt like a freak at school.
Every few years I'll get a tiny patch on my knee or elbow. If it bothers me I'll use the treatment and it will go away."


[YEA]  12/01/2007: Lisa from Lawton, OK: "I was diagnosed with eczema many years ago. The Dr. prescribed some medication, but I didn't want to take it because I was pregnant at the time. Tried Vitamin B-Complex after reading about the benefits. I took 1 in the morning and 1 at night and the eczema started to clear up after about 3 weeks. I then started taking just 1 pill a day and if I get lazy and don't take it for several days, I start feeling the "itch" starting. This might help Jordan with the "itchy bumps". I hope so. I'm somewhat of a petite person; I don't know if body weight would affect the amount of B-complex needed to see possible improvement."Replies
11/30/2007: Jordan from Lansing, MI replies: "Hi I have a question. For about 3 years now I have experienced itchy bumps that look similar to acne but are not, on my chest before my menstrual cycle. I had dealt with it and just decided it would be yet another thing to deal with during PMS. But now I am having the same problem all the time and it is on my back now as well. They are incredibly itchy and swell when touched and show up only on my chest and back. HELP!"


[YEA]  04/05/2011: Going_28 from East Norriton, Pa, Usa: "A couple winters ago, I had terribly dry lips and dry, cracking elbows that led to dark, purple blotchy eczema on both elbows that quickly spread up my arms onto my chest. A dermatologist gave me 4 prescriptions that I never filled. I read that dry lips could be a Vitamin B deficiency, so I went to GNC, got a $6 bottle of 100mg (I believe), it was 100mg or 100UI, I just know it was a small gray bottle, and it was $6 hard white tablets. I took one a day, and my cracked lips cleared up in 2 days, the purple blotchy eczema cleared up in about a week, and never came back, even though I stopped taking the Vitamin B6 tablets about a week after it cleared up."

[YEA]  04/01/2010: Carol from Charlotte, Nc: "First off - I love Earth Clinic. Thanks to all of you who write in and offer advice. This site has helped me on many occasions. Concerning my eczema - I suffered from eczema all over my hands for 5-6 years after the birth of my son. It was extremely embarrassing, itched like crazy and made me absolutely miserable. I wish I could have enjoyed those early years with my son, but I did not because of the horrible itch, pain, and embarrassment. I know it was very much stress related. I tried all kinds of remedies - watch my diet, omega 3's, and multiple vitamins, etc... When my son went to kindergarten, the stress level went down and my hands got better, but still aggravated. It was not until I went to have a physical and had my Vit. D level checked that I believe I found the answer. Optimal Vit. D level should be over 50, and mine was 20. So I started to supplement with Vit.D and my hands immediately cleared up. Interestingly, so did that "redness and heat" within my body that I always felt was with me. I haven't had my level checked again but I am still on higher than usual doses. I also learned that if you are overweight, you require more Vit. D because the fat cells absorb a lot of it. Most folks supplement with 1000 a day but I take 5 - 6,000 a day. Also, I learned that going outside can work but you have to live where the sun is just right in relation to your location, has to be the right time of the day, and need 15 minutes of that sun on large parts of your body - like arms and legs. And in the winter in most of the USA, there is no way to get enough Vit D. from the sun. Also, there is a huge deficiency nationwide of Vit. D. And this causes all kinds of illnesses. There is a major epidemic of Vit. D deficiency. I found that when I got my Vit. D. level up, my hands cleared up, and I stopped getting colds, flu, etc... Actually, quite amazing. This is especially true of elderly who hardly ever get any sun and have lower immune function anyway. Bottom line: If you don't know your Vit. D, get it checked. If below 50, supplement or make intentional effort to get nature's Vit.D - the sun most every day."[YEA]  09/07/2007: Mista from Columbus, Ohio: "Psorisis..4 Bob in Northridge,CA... Personally, I suffer from facial eczema(/roscea as the docs like to insist). Anyway's I have been trying to change my Foods from processed, pastuerized and GM to Organic ,minimally processed &UNpastuerized. I am looking 4ward 2 trying this OP but want 2 buy the Organic Sunflower Oil though I may try it w/my Coconut oil though I am nervous but your listing interested me in passing u some helpful info along w/OP because soo many ppl R not aware how IMPORTANT Vitamin D & Natural Sunlight w/OUT sunscreen really is, helping U naturally fight off DISEASE!!
This article can be very helpful & of course the more commited we R, one may actually get results they desire like so many listed here. Please email me w/any questions.I would like 2 spk 2 you more & it would be awesome 2 me 2 talk to someone like yourself that actually lives in CALIFORNIA!!"
02/07/2007: Bob from Northridge, CA replies: "I was close to twenty years allergic to alcohol. I've been using Olive oil Sunflower oil and Sesame oil for about a month and a half to get rid of psoriasis it did not help at all-what it did was cure my allergy to alcohol-that's for now."


12/21/2011: Nestman from Provo, Utah: "I have dealt with this itchy problem for years. Over time I started realizing my situation was worse during the winter months when I would spend more time inside. Then I read somewhere on the internet that most people who work indoors do not have enough vitamin D3, which is the sunshine vitamin.
I realized that I should start supplementing and started off at a low dosage of 1,000 IU per day, then 10,000 per day and then finally I jumped it up to 60,000 IU per day and I totally got rid of the problem.
I only boosted my dosage after reading lots of information online, including stuff on the Vitamin D council website, Dr. Mercola, and interesting videos on youtube.
Now that my eczema has been eliminated for good, I have lowered the dosage down to 20,000 IU per day. Oddly enough, the government's recommendation for this important vitamin is only 400 IU. That amount is just barely enough to keep Rickets away.
As always, do your own research to determine what dosage will help your severly depleted body. Also, it may be a good idea to have a blood test done so you know what your vitamin level is in the first place.
May the Lord bless you on your question for knowledge and health."


[YEA]  06/09/2008: Marisa from London, Canada: "I tried everything for my eczema on my hands and nothing seemed to work. I then tried applying vitamin e oil and my eczema has greatly improved. My skin is a lot softer and smother."Replies
06/11/2008: Anngra from Glen Cove, New York replies: "for marisa from london, canada....please change the detergent you are using. i used to get eczema too and i believe it usually is caused by a reaction to certain detergents. try using a more natural one and you will probably see some improvement."


[YEA]  Victor from San Diego/Tijuana, US/MEX: "I struggled with dandruff and related skin problems all my life. They were present on my scalp, face, ears, nostrils, chest, and pubic area. I was constantly using different medications. Doctors were prescribing me corticosteroids, even in injections. During the nineties I started realizing that all my skin problems were fungus related. Nizoral shampoo was helping to some extend, but not all the way, and I was becoming more and more allergic to it. Other dandruff shampoos never worked at all. I tried many herbal remedies, with very mixed effects. Finally, a couple of years ago, I found information about using vinegar to treat dandruff. It took a couple of weeks, and some adjusting, but finally my skin started clearing up. I finally use it 3 times a week 5 min before shower (you can spray it, use an eye dropper, and your hand to massage it in). Careful with eyes, teeth, and lungs! Ever since I've been dandruff/exema free. Vinegar is my best friend! At the beginning I was using Apple Cider Vinegar, but my partner couldn't stand the smell of it. He advised me to switch to white sugar cane vinegar, popular in Mexico, where we live - it works as well as ACV for me. Take care everyone"

04/17/2010: Lou-lou from Adelaide, Sa, Australia: "I have posted twice on this fantastic website before, so I will try to keep this one brief!
I have recently read that Eczema is mainly caused by deficiency of zinc in the body. Taking zinc supplements or foods rich in zinc will help in restoring the healing property of the body and treating eczema. Zinc promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is a necessary element of proper wound healing also.
Foods high in zinc are beef, lamb, pork, crab, lettuce, avocado, banana, cauliflower, cheese, egg, milk, yogurt, wheatgerm, seeds such as pumpkin, squash and watermelon, and oysters top the list. So if you are an oyster lover like me, dig in! :)"
09/17/2010: Chachazoom from Sutton, Ont, Canada replies: "Everyone with dry cracked skin run to the store! I have tried everything under the sun and FINALLY I found something that is amazing. It's called Udderly Smooth, and it works better than hydrocortisone cream. Unbelievable! The least expensive cream is the best and believe me I've tried tons."
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