Thursday, 24 May 2012


[YEA]  12/29/2008: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Handling coins can result in a couple of contamination that has been known to cause irritation of the skin and metals does get absorbed through the skin, but much more so in handling of coins compared to taking showers, as the metal concentration on handling coins are much higher, and the oils on the skin makes it an ideal carrier for metal absorption. Interestingly, for some reason or another, virus also exists in handling paper money which develops skin eruption immediately. The other issue is the unknown pathogens that exist on metal coin, in particular, certain funguses, that seem to thrive in certain metals. I haven't found which kinds of metallic coins are responsible, but there is a presence of certain fungus that may also lead to eczema. The only known remedy I used to chelate out heavy metals, externally, is either the tetrasodium EDTA or the disodium EDTA, to be used as a soap after counting coins. So the use of EDTA solution helps prevent accumulation of them by their chelation.

However, the most frequently encountered eczema from handling coins are fungus and mycoplasma, that causes skin eczema and irriation. There is a couple of remedies that can be tried, one is plain distilled vinegar, soaking the hands for a couple of minutes. This is a mild remedy. If that doesn't work, another possible remedy is a saturated borax solution and if possible the addtion of either ammonium chloride, or ammonium bicarbonate is mixed into the solution helps, of equal amount in a water solution. The strongest of the remedy is either a sodium chlorite 25% concentration, adding several drops of that in a cup of water with a tablespoon of vinegar is one possibility. However, an alternative is also possible, which means a Clorox one cap, per cup for the skin also helps. Some person actually were so desperate the use full undiluted Clorox solution to stop the itchiness. Although I believe this to be too strong and reduces the body's iodine by displacement and make the body more vulnerable to diseases as it tends to suppress the immune functions of both the thymus and the thyroid by chlorine displacing iodine. In any event this issue is also the same if a person happens to be using the MMS (sodium chlorite 28%) with a citric acid. They work similarly, but it's long term use I have found was a goiter or a hypothyroid problem. This can be lessened with a supplements of an iodine solution. One other possibility is the use of Lugol's iodine applied to the area of eczema.

Of course I am always assuming this organism to be of fungal orgins, as a result, I sometimes used a 1.5% hydrogen peroxide mixed with equal amounts of vinegar. This becomes peracetic acid. This is also fairly effective in neutralizing the fungus/mycoplasma caused eczema too. It is soaked in the hands for a couple of minutes, or less, if it becomes somewhat of an irritant, then the hand is removed, and rinsed thoroughly. In the long run, it's best to handle coins with a latex glove, although unconfortable sometimes it won't cause new infections. But that's assuming of course the skin's no longer infected. If it was to be infected, and the use of latex this would inevitably make it worse because the moisture on the hand would feed the fungus. Hence, rinsing the skin with fungus with vinegar for example, before latex glove use may lessen the problem.

It should be noted that eczema skin problem is the most frequently encountered problems for me and as a result, I have devised many formulation. One recent one, which is my favorite, but there is a big downside to cause the skin to be temporarily blue, but can be easily removed with a dishwasher liquid. For some reason or another, the soap seems to encourage fungus growth, but not dishwasher liquid, perhaps the sodium lauryl sulfate, but I can't be certain as I haven't tested this. Anyway the solution I am using is the methylene blue 0.1% concentration, applied to the skin. It stops eczema invariably within 5 minutes because of it's antifungal properties.

Taking sodium ascorbate vitamin C, and a carbicarb remedy is the other ones that reduce overall eczema issue, but is non localized, so its effectiveness here is limited.

A very agressive form of eczema, I may resort to a stronger means, such as a 2.5% - 5% copper chloride solution applied to the skin for 1 minute before rinse. Some of my friends liked it so much they refused to rinse it, but I prefer to rinse it. In event someone don't like to rinse, a lower concentration such as 2.0% - 2.5% is a preferred one since it causes less skin irritation.

If there is anything I haven't quite covered, but is also unlikely is the MRSA, which can easily be neutralized with a milk of magnesia 8% solution. The reason why I know it to work, besides my own experience is in microbiology it is well known that staphyloccous can't survive in pH of above 9 and the milk of magnesia solution is between 9-10, as well as these MRSA have a weakness in presence of magnesium. However MRSA don't cause itchiness. Other forms of bacteria is a possibility and causes itch too, so milk of magnesia is an old standby if none of the above works. However, they all work, but how thoroughly they kill them, varies.



[YEA]  12/21/2011: Jmiknikdes from North Royalton, Ohio, Usa: "I have suffered from eczema for 6 years. I cut out all wheat and anything with gluten in it from my diet and my eczema cleared up within 3 weeks. I have been completely clear for more than two months now. In my case it looks like I had a sensitivity to gluten that manifested itself in the form of eczema. Now if I eat anything with gluten/wheat in it, I get these fine red pimples in the form of a rash on my hands or ankles. This happens within a couple of hours of eating."

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