One of the greatest joys of spring is the flowers. Even in colder climates, gardens are already blooming with daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths and tulips – some of them peeking through the last winter snow. For the gardener, this is just the beginning of a beautiful season. Still to come are the roses, asters, freesia and hydrangea of summer. But for many gardeners, taking care of their hands during the season becomes a chore. Thousands of doctors now recommend a good shielding lotion for gardeners: Whether your problem is dry skin, eczema flares, embedded dirt, or cuts and scrapes from thorny roses, shielding lotion might be the solution.
Why is a shielding lotion more effective for gardeners than other skin care products? Unlike traditional moisturizers and other dry skin product, a good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective layer than locks in moisture, keeps out chemicals and grunge, and helps protect you from any reaction you may have to substances in the plants. Because a shielding lotion enables the skin to heal itself while offering this protection, dry skin and other skin problems resolve quickly, if they happen at all.
Here’s what users have to say:
“Shielding lotion applies like hand cream, leaving my hands smooth and soft, but provides a barrier against the dirt, the stains and the penetrating grunge I am always getting my hands into as I work in the greenhouses potting and cutting.”
“This stuff actually works! For gardeners, those cracks around the thumb are gone. And I've found using it on my forearms gives almost complete protection against the dermatitis that used to result from working in juniper bushes. Washing up is quicker, easier and more effective … I've rarely found a product that delivers more than it promises.”
“This is the best stuff I have ever used... last year after having a medical doctor give me a sample of your product, to my surprise, it worked miraculously.”
If you love to garden but don’t like the dry skin, unsightly eczema flares, and the grunge, give shielding lotion a try. It could be just the dry skin treatment you need to make your hands as beautiful as your flowers.
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