Updated: 05/17/2012
Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.
[YEA] 09/29/2006: Tricia from Astoria, NY: "I have been pulling since july 06 with sesame and safflower oils. I just love the sesame because it tastes like halvah to me. My skin on the top of my right foot was covered with eczema and it was itchy and inflamed constantly. It is still discolored from all the abuse it received from me. The wonderful result though is the inflammation has subsided. I am noticing new skin growing back slowly. It is thrilling to know that this harmless protocol is helping this painful debilitating disease that orthodox meds cannot heal. Peace and Health to all."
[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 01/12/2010: Felirose from Destin, Florida: "Olive Oil Helped my Eczema
I've had eczema for several years now. Originally, I was told that it was ringworm, so I tried putting Apple Cider Vinegar on it (that was not organic - it was the brown/amber color it was supposed to be, but was diluted, a generic store brand). That only made it much, much worse.
After getting a second opinion, I was told it was eczema and put on 0.05% steroid cream. It helps a ton, but is expensive...
So I started using Olive Oil. I filled the bathtub up with hot water, and put about a 1/8 cup (perhaps a little less - you do not need much at all) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in it. Then I just relaxed in the bathtub for an hour or so. I also put a 1/4 cup of epsom salt in there, to help me relax.
After I got out, I patted myself dry with a terrycloth towel (be careful getting out of the tub - and don't towel dry like normal, because you'll rub the oil off your body) and got dressed. My Eczema looked much better, not to mention, my entire body felt like silk!"
01/15/2010: Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, France replies: "Nice to read that someone else also uses olive oil in the bath water.... Due to the age my skin is a lot drier and nothing seemed to help. I am now using olive oil but I wonder whether it really works. When I get out my skin is very moist but then during the night if I wake up I start noticing that my hands are very dry. Does the olive oil only work on the surface?"
[YEA] 04/08/2011: Ann Rose from Minneapolis, Minnesota replies: "I used olive oil as a lotion directly on my eczema. The first time it was like my skin gave a sigh of relief. Everyday the patch got smaller and smaller until it was gone within about 2 weeks. Now I use olive oil and grape seed oils as moisturizers and haven't had any eczema for over a year, even though we just got through one of our worst winters ever."
03/13/2012: Elskbrev from Oconomowoc, Wi replies: "Your eczema that was misdiagnosed as ringworm was most probably "numular eczema. " I get that occasionally, and only when I eat tree nuts. From time of ingestion of tree nuts to appearance of my numular eczema is about two weeks. This eczema usually starts with a whitehead type postule, then becomes a round flat lesion that may grow to the size of a dime before it starts to fade away, all on its own. Mine never itch. It is predictably six weeks from time of ingestion of tree nuts to time the lesion self resolves (disappears) on its own without treatment. I have not found any treatment that makes any difference. Will report back if anything I try based on tips from this site works for me. For now, I avoid eating tree nuts to avoid getting this eczema. Will actually have to intentionally eat tree nuts as if to induce a breakout to find out if some cures work. by the way, a physician did once give a quick glance at my eczema and call it ringworm, but at that time, I already knew what it was, so I corrected him. Many images Of numular eczema are easily found online."
[YEA] 03/28/2012: Patricia from Naperville, Il: "Please let people know that my adult son has eczema so badly on his hands that he often looks like a fire victim. No creme or ointment or pill ever helped... Prescription or over the counter. In fact many of them made his hands worse.
I have another adult son with autism who toe walked as a child. His feet developed huge cracks from the stress and no one could help us. One day I used the cold sore medicine Carmex on the fissures on his feet. Within three days he was totally closed up and the cracks were gone.
Last week I bought Carmex (in the pot only! ) and had my son coat his hands with it. Miracle. In two days his hands were totally closed up, flexible and the skin started to heal.
Please pass this on."
02/29/2012: Conitchewa from Vancouver, Bc: "I have been suffering from hand ezcema for just over a year and a half. I am in my mid 40's. I work in an office with paper all day. My palms and fingers are cracking, bleeding, itchy, peeling and often get infected.
Some days it is so bad I just want to cry and I can barely undress. I also love to cook so I spend a great deal of time in the kitchen too. I have been taking benadryl every night just so I can sleep as the itching is so bad it keeps me up most of the night. I wear medical gloves at work to protect my hands, also to shower as it stings so bad to wash my hair and my body. Plus, my hands are so rough you don't want to touch yourself with them. I wear gloves to cook now too so I do not cross contaminate anything and reduce my chances of getting an infection.
I have been allergy tested, they found nothing. My doctor finally said, its from stress. Well I don't feel stressed out... Except by this condition! So after trying many non prescription lotions, that did nothing.... Like Aveeno Eczema care, Gold Bond, Cortaid, I went to the doctor. I have been prescribed all sorts of things, from antibiotics to steroid lotions and ointments (betaderm, clobetisal) They did not do much. I have tried evening primrose oil. I have tried Lysine. I drink organic ACV. I dilute it and soak my hands in it every evening too. I tried the apple detox. I saw very little improvement.
Then while complaining to a relative recently who lives way up north she said to me, my boys have the same thing, they are electricians that work outside with their hands, I got them to use Avon Foot Works, its inexpensive and it seems to give them relief, maybe it will work for you too. Skeptical but desperate to try anything, I found myself an Avon lady and got my hands on some. The moment I put it on my hands felt better. Plus it is non greasy so I am not getting it on everything. It is only Day 3 and my hands are almost healed. I cannot believe it. I have not had to wear gloves since I put it on. The medicinal ingredients in it seem to be a topical antiseptic and an analgesic in it. (lidocaine & bezalkonium chloride) So most of my pain is gone as well. I just wanted to share this as I understand how debilatating this condition can be. I have scoured the net for help too. Its deflating to hear there is no cure. I just hope I can help someone else feel as good as I do. Good Luck and Good Health!"
[YEA] 11/28/2011: Bud from Elverson, Pennsylvania: "Since eczema is so annoying with the pain and itching, there can really be no relief for the disease itself until the itching is stopped. I have found that the antiseptic salve from the Rawleigh company really worked exceptionally well.
The salve has as its ingredients medicinal turpentine and phenol (carbolic acid) which sterilizes the area. The salve itself stops the itching so you don't scratch the area affected, allowing the body to naturally heal the area.
The treatement that worked the best was to coat the area with the salve, then wrap with a soft cloth overnight to protect it. The itching stopped immediately."
[YEA] 03/17/2011: Steve from Naples, Florida: "The problem with Eczema is that it is usually a systemic problem caused by an overgrowth of candida. So one has to adhere to a strict diet of meats, vegetables, and salads until the rash is gone. Avoid anything that is sweet including fruits. Also avoid potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, mushrooms, cereal, dairy products, etc. Absorbine jr. works to kill the candida ( fungus ) from the outside but if your diet is poor it will keep coming back. Take probiotics in addition to absorbine jr to accelerate the dieing off of the internal candida. Apply the absorbine 4 times a day and take one packet of probiotics per day. If you are over 50 yrs old like I am , you need to take betaine HCL with each protein meal ( 2 - 600 mg tabs ) because most older people's stomachs do not produce enough HCL and undigested protein enters the blood and the body produces addition candida in the gut to counter the problem. I did all of these things and within 2 weeks my eczema was completely gone.
The medical industry is so corrupt that they think eczema is a genetic problem that each patient has to endure for life. They give you steriod products that only attack the symtoms and the same time it damages healthy tissue. Avoid doctors like the plague. Thank God we have this forum to help get thr truth out. Thank you earthclinic! "
[YEA] 01/22/2011: Kelli from Pleasanton, Tx, Us: "My 2 yr old has suffered from eczema since birth and we have tried everything from prescription steroid creams to coconut oil to removing all dairy from her diet. While removing the dairy DID help.. We were never able to completely heal her until I saw a news story regarding probiotics and eczema in children. I immediately went to the pharmacy and purchased the probiotics for children that the story recommended and within 6 weeks her eczema completely cleared up for the first time ever."Replies
04/16/2012: Teresa from St. Louis, Mo replies: "Kelli that is awesome. I just started giving my 2 yr old probiotics. It has been 3 days and I have seen a difference in her skin already!! Do you do one packet daily? Do you plan on doing this long term? I am so excited that the probiotics may be helping her!!!"[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 09/25/2009: Genevieve from Bronx, Ny: "I have serious eczema and i found that since i have been taking probiotics the inflammation has reduced dramatically. I know how badly eczema can make you feel. I have suffered with it for over 15 years."
[YEA] 01/30/2012: Yvonne from London, On: "I've had eczema all my life, always using hydrocortisone cream to suppress it and relief itching. But a few years ago I started doing the raw food diet (eating majority raw organic food) and found that my eczema COMPLETELY WENT AWAY. It was good for the next few years, when I was still eating at least 50% raw foods. But when I went into university and stopped eating raw, plus consuming a lot of other bad junk foods e. G. Bread, sugar, deserts, my eczema came back afterwards, and now its worst than ever! :( I'm hoping to slowly ease back into eating more raw foods and hopefully it will improve and leave me for good! "
08/23/2011: Geo from Anaheim, Ca: "Do I have eczema?
Over the years, I've been getting these itchy patches on my legs (once on my left bicep) that fluctuate from raw and leaky to dry and flaky. Last year was my first "flare up" where my body seemed to have some sort of hives or scabies. I had red itchy bumps all over my body and my face and neck. My dermatologist told me that my patch was an infection and that the rest of my body was starting to "freak out" because of it. He gave me some ointments and pills and I was good until now. The symptoms are back and worse than ever. For the past few days, I've been waking up in the middle of the night due to an itchy groin (especially the scrotum and anus). Not only that, but my red bumps are back and seem to be all over my limbs. Just tonight I seem to have had itchy armpits that itched like crazy. My scrotum seems to be the worst, as it feels as though its being prickled and stung, but I when I look, I don't see any visible rash. My skin color is brown, so I'm not sure if I have what is known as a brown rash. Anyway, my only relief seems to be taking extremely hot showers all over my skin. Nearly scalding hot water seems to have an intense and almost euphoric relief on the itchy areas of my skin and even some of the not so itchy areas as well. This is how I came the the notion that I have eczema as I have read some experiences about people with eczema have had regarding the same exact sensation. So there are two things I would like to know: Do I have eczema? And what are better ways to provide a relief to my itchy scrotum and anus so that I can sleep? (something other than burning my testicles)"
08/23/2011: Sue Ellen from Los Angeles, Ca replies: "You most likely have Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation.. The disorder may affect people of any age, but it most commonly begins between ages 15 and 35.03/17/2011: Chaza from Ireland, Letterkenny, Donegal: "Hi I have eczema of the vulva and have tried to everything to try and get rid of it. Just wondering if anyone esle suffers from this and would maybe have a bit of advise for me as I am going mad at the minute. please help.Thanks"08/22/2010: Jose from London, England: "Hello; I am with a scrotum eczema since 18 years old, now I have 26 years old. After treatments with steroids and many creams my eczema is worse day to day. I was also treating with chinese medicine but without success. If somebody can help me I will be grateful for that. Thanks very much"Replies
The condition cannot be spread to others.
Psoriasis seems to be passed down through families. Doctors think it probably occurs when the body's immune system mistakes healthy cells for dangerous substances and there are new studies showing vitamin D deficiency may be trigger for out breaks.
Skin cells grow deep in the skin and normally rise to the surface about once a month. In persons with psoriasis, this process is too fast (about 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks) and dead skin cells build up on the skin's surface.
The following may trigger an attack of psoriasis or make the condition more difficult to treat:
Bacteria or viral infections, including strep throat and upper respiratory infections
Dry air or dry skin
Injury to the skin, including cuts, burns, and insect bites
Some medicines, including antimalaria drugs, beta-blockers, and lithium
Too little sunlight
Too much sunlight (sunburn)
Too much alcohol
Home treatments
Oatmeal baths may be soothing and may help to loosen scales. You can use over-the-counter oatmeal bath products. Or, you can mix 1 cup of oatmeal into a tub of warm water.
Sunlight may help your symptoms go away. Be careful not to get sunburned.
Relaxation and antistress techniques may be helpful. The link between stress and flares of psoriasis is not well understood, however.
Vitamin D orally and vitamin D cream"
08/23/2010: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "Hi Jose... When I had Candida, I also had problems with eczma, psoriasis and jock itch(tinea cruris). And when I got rid of my candida - the psoriasis and eczma both just disappeared. The jock itch stayed and was tenacious -- I even thought MRSA might be involved. Like you, I tried everything -- even expensive creams and steroids couldn't shift it. I had had this jock itch for over 8 years. In the end I used Milk of Magnesia full strength. I would have a shower at night, then spread the MoM all over my parts and let it dry(dries very quickly). I would then leave it on overnight and shower it off the next morning. After only 2 days -- no more jock itch!! -- completely gone, normal healthy skin again.
The way MoM kills fungus, viruses and bacteria is unique. The MoM has a pH of 10 -- very alkaline, and all viruses, bacteria and fungus will be eradicated at this pH. Secondly, MoM contains Magnesium Hydroxide which is highly hydrophobic -- drives water away -- so the MoM also sucks all the moisture out of these bad organisms and kills that way as well.
When I used the MoM as described against my jock itch, it was very soothing and cooling, didn't sting or anything. And it didn't harm my skin at all. However, if you do have sensitive skin then I would just apply the MoM 3 times a day for 30 minutes only(until it dries to a sort of white powder on your skin) and then wash it off afterwards.
I also now use another similar concoction which has worked very well for my toenail fungus. This consists of mixing the following:
2 tablespoons Milk of Magnesia
2 tablespoons 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/2 tspn Borax(20 Mule Team Borax will do fine)
This mix will add to the microbial killing power of the MoM and is also quite effective."
08/23/2010: Sara from The Beach, Canada replies: "I just wanted to let you and others know, I am taking the coconut oil for candida, and a very surprising side effect has been a very substantial improvement with my eczema and psoriasis. Hope this helps you. Peace."11/25/2009: Margaret from Riverside, Ca: "Please help. I have ear eczema in the canal - my ears have a clear fluid discharge, they are crusty,cracked and very painful.I have fought this for about 10 yrs but just had a ENT tell me what it was. It is in both ears and now it has spread to the outside of the ear. I am so desperate.
11/26/2009: Merryanne from Orange City, Florida, USA replies: "To Margaret in CA,,this Merryanne in FL,,I understand everthing you are saying,,,I am dealing with the same problem,,and one or two others,,Surprisingly I have found two treatmens that help many skin and internal problems. 1. I take 3 drops of Logol's Solution 2% in 2 cups of distilled water(use water with no floride or clorine) at least 2 times a day, do 3 if you have time, this is a balanced Iodine solution, I order from an online company, Swanson Vitamins,,. I take 2 teaspoon of a light oil, like olive or any light oil and add 10 drops of oil of Oregano, then use cotton tips and put in the ear canal, reaply as need to keep moist, clean out the canal maybe once a week with hydrogen peroixied, put a few drops in the earl canal and let it bubble for a few miniutes then turn your head over and drain out, then put your oil solution back in your ear with cotton tips, just enough to moist the area. Continue to take the Iodine until you feal that you have accomplished what you need. If you skip a day or two, that is ok if you have been taking it already for 3 or more days,,,mising one or two days sometime makes the treatments more effective. I hope this helps you, It has helped me, Merryanne in FL"
11/26/2009: P from Sao Paulo, Brazil replies: "Margaret,
I recently cured a 10 month-long case of vesicular eczema (dydidrosis) by massaging undiluted apple cider vinegar on my feet a couple of times a day. I had tried ACV before and it didn't work, but the trick was to massage the whole foot and not use a cotton swab to apply on certain areas only. I'm amazed with ACV, once again!
However, I'm not sure ACV in the ear canal is a good thing... you might want to try diluting it and let it soak in each ear for a while, they work your way down on dilution so no side effects are noted.
One thing: as one recent funny post here on EC indicated, DO NOT USE GARLIC oil! haha"
EC: P is referring to Ouchy McNumbface's hilarious 06/02/2008 post in this section: http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/earache.html#GARLIC
07/25/2010: Rashida from East Orange, New Jersey, Essex replies: "I'm a 55yr old African-American woman with an extreme case of eczema from head to ankle (feet free). Had it since I was 9 mos old. My question is has anyone had the topical steroid addiction? Whenever I try to stop using the cortisone my face becomes unbearable to look at and the itch is insane. The eczema becomes oozy and runny. Has anyone withdrawn from the topical with a product that will provide some ease and comfort? Any and all suggestions are welcomed! Rashida"
07/26/2010: Judy from Glenns Ferry, Idaho replies: "For eczema or allergy rash: Use tar bath mixed with powdered milk in a tub of water. Pat dry then put shortening all over your body and dress in airtight clothes. You can add ash to the shortening and it seems to dry it up faster."09/09/2009: Alyson from Plano, Tx: "HELP!! I seem to have horrible excema in my ear canals. Its very difficult (and, I know, unwise!!) to scratch, but the irritation is so bad sometimes I actually twitch! It then eventually leads to an outer ear infection and so on. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to relieve this? Im nervous trying other excema remedies for my ear canal for fear it will hurt my ear drum or sting (I read the post about putting oregano essential oil in the ear canal - I laughed and cried so hard!!). Any suggestions would be so appreciated!! Thank you!
09/09/2009: Chanel from Philadelphia, Pa replies: "Are you sure this is eczema? It sounds like you may have a candida problem. One of the symptoms is itchy ears. I had that problem a couple of years ago and it was pretty bad. My ears itched all the time and they were scaly and the back of my scalp was scaly too. I was very lucky - I went to a local pharmacy that promotes holistic healing and asked for a dandruff shampoo that wasn't too harsh...the wonderful pharmacist said the problem is on a cellular level and gave me a questionaire to help determine if I had a candida problem. He also recommended probiotics twice per day. I realized I did have a candida problem and had great success with the probiotics, and I also followed up with some dietary changes and using a product from ___ called ___ which is an herbal cleanse. It worked for me because my ears and scalp are no longer scaly and itchy and I had that problem for years!"
09/10/2009: Linda from York County, Maine replies: "Hi Gals...I've had itchy ears, too, but not deep in the ear canal...more at the opening of my ear...got very crusty and yucky, I couldn't leave it alone. The back of my head has itched for a year...not scaly, really, but itchy like crazy...both have been better of late. (My daughter once massaged my head briefly and said my scalp felt 'tight' - she's an LMT.) I tried __ Food which helps the oxygen in your body be dispersed for the ulitmate benefit....also, my thyroid replacement was reduced a month or so ago...not sure what has helped my condition, but thought I'd check in to commiserate a bit. And to offer my experience with something that sounds so similar to what you're suffering with. I thought I was the only one!!"06/10/2009: Nangy from North Myrtle Beach, S.C.: "my granddaughter suffers greatly from eczema, she has battled an undiagnosed skin infection for six months, the dr. said it was only an eczema flair up, after going to 5 different drs. they finally tested her and she had an infection on her skin, her mom has spent thousands of dollars on drs.and steroids which she hates using!!! now the dr. is telling her to give her bleach baths, and im not sure about this. he said it would change the ph in the water but their water has chlorine in it already. she is seven years old and has many food allergies, cant go outside much because her grass and pollen allergies flair up her eczema, home schooled because of severe peanut allergy and the dr.said public school was to risky. please help me help my precious baby."Replies
06/10/2009: April from Gary, In replies: "Please don't give her a bleach bath. I have been suffering from eczema since my preteen years, so I can deeply sympathize. It sounds like she is very sensitive as am I. I am no dr. but I would think that chlorine would dry her skin even more. I personally can't use bleach at all. You want something that is going to moisturize and repair her skin. I have been using coconut oil and it seems to be working very well."
06/10/2009: Anonymous from Anonyville, USA replies: "Google goji health food stories and read how goji has helped people there with various skin conditions and ailments. it may help with ph levels too. Burt's B__'s milk and honey body lotion, seems to be very soothing and healing for the skin. bleach sounds pretty harsh and may make it worse. wishing you and your family well!"
06/10/2009: Robin from Corvallis, Oregon replies: "I have used 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/2 Water to get rid of eczema. You can use stronger solutions depending on the area of the body. Give it a few days and watch the difference. :)"
06/10/2009: Mo from New York, NY replies: "Hello Nangy,
I understand your concern - but as April mentioned - a bleach bath does not sound like such a good idea although some might swear by it. My 2 year old had terrible eczema on her cheeks and my son (almost 4) on his legs. I did not want to use steroids although my daughter looked dreadful at least for my son his legs were hidden.
I read almost all the remedies here on Earth Clinic and finally did the following:
For my daughter:
1) As it was her face with weeping, blood encrusted skin (partly from scratching)- I was afraid to use ACV. Therefore I cleaned it with a drop or two of iodine and then applied Coconut Oil. After it closed and there was no fear of infection and the itching decrease I only applied Coconut Oil. I did this diligently every night and just about any time that I saw that her cheeks looked dry. The skin seemed to drink it all up and looked dry very quickly - but I persevered.
2) I also blending flax seed every morning and added it to breakfast (no particular measurement. Again I persevere and still continue.
My daughter looked wonderful and for the first time in a while the pinkness in her cheeks is due to a healthy glow - not eczema.
For my son:
I diluted ACV with water 50/50 - spray it on his legs - when it seeped into the skin - I would apply Coconut Oil.
Occasionally, I would give my children a bit (less than a teaspoon) of Coconut Oil when they would wat it. However, I begun cooking everything in Coconut Oil.
I have continued using Coconut Oil as the only type of lotion for my children. Therefore, I have lost track regarding how long the eczema took to clear up. However, for me the key was perseverance - when it seems like nothing was happening I continued and the results are perfect.
Thanks again Earth Clinic and to everyone who shared.
I really hope this can help Nangy's granddaughter - it is worth a trip anyhow.
06/10/2009: sanchez0004 from Sacramento, CA replies: "Regarding 7 yr. old with eczema: I have battled with severe eczema for over 30 years. (I'm 32 now) Bleach is NOT the way to go for her skin. You want to try and get rid of perfumes and anything that has chemicals in it. Use laundry det with no coloring, perfumes, etc... Go through the entire household and get rid of all of your cleaners, scented items, dust, etc... Try buying some organic, natural detergent from your health food store. Do not use anything that has perfumes or chemicals in it.
I have always been able to keep my eczema under control with plain lotion (no coconut oil because it can irritate skin) and no hot baths. Hot water makes eczema worse believe it or not; just make sure her shower is lukewarm.
Good luck for your baby and I highly suggest doing some internet research on natural eczema remedies."
06/10/2009: Luis from Cali, Colombia replies: "Dear Nangy:
Make a paste of turmeric plus aloe vera and smear it in your grandaughter skin. It also prevents skin cancer. No more suffering. It is an ayurvedic medicine.
For your best days."
06/11/2009: Kyraf from Cortlandt Manor, New York replies: "Hi Nangy,
I have three girls who have suffered with Eczema since birth. Upon learning about Earthclinic I have made some changes to our daily grooming as a family. I prepare all baths with warm water. epsom salt, borax, baking soda, peroxide and tea tree oil. We use NO SOAP on our skin. After bathing we moisturize with extra virgin coconut oil. Honestly, my girls now have the most beautiful skin. No spots and no more itching. Coconut oil has amazing healing properties. There is another post on the Eczema page about not using soap. I believe that along with the coconut oil has made the difference."
06/12/2009: Mo from NY, New York replies: "Hello Nangy,05/12/2009: Helena from Beijing, China: "facial veins from steroid use for treating eczema on baby:
I also agree with Kyraf and other posts - I also eliminated all soaps. Additionally, I use a natural soap and no detergents in our home. I guess all these change plus what I mentioned previously contributed to my children now healthy skin!!!
All the best,
Hi, wondering if anyone can help me.
I was living overseas in Asia when my daughter (9 months)began suffering from a very mild form of Atopic Ecezma. I consulted my Paediatrician(at the time) and a skin specialist. They both recommended I begin applying a hydra cortisone lotion which was 1% strength to her face(cheek area) and under neck and arm joints and back of knee joints. She suffered from this condition until approx. 2 years of age. She is now almost 5 and has developed fine veins on her cheeks or 'pityriasis alba" and 'facial telangiectasia'. This was diagnosed only last week by another skin specialist. I was not given any information on the danger of using such a strong lotion on my daughters skin or any potential side effects such as skin thinning, vein formation. It is quite common for hyrda cortisone to be used on babies in Asia and my 'old' skin specialist and paediatrician still stand by what they did as the best thing.
I am needless to say very devastated and emotional. Is there anything I can do that will help her skin grow back better and maybe repair some of the damage. I really hope that someone who has had this kind of experience with their child/ren can help."
[YEA] 11/14/2007: Mace from Atlanta, Georgia: "This is absolutly the best thing ever, I just got on this site had no idea of what it was; i googled cures for eczema and found it, i read a post that said to wash in salt and then use the acv, so i decided to do my upper body and see if it took well... man this is no joke it's not itching at all, the small rash like bumps are gone from my upper body and now i have to take another shower because i have to do the lower portion of my body... i also added the use of some pure olive oil... thanks a million if you are not sure just give it a try."
[YEA] 09/15/2006: DevG from Chicago, IL: "The traditional "solutions" for eczema are largely ineffective and potentially harmful. I've worked my way through and into some helpful tips in dealing with eczema:
My suggestions :
-- salt rub (preferably in the shower or bathtub)
Use simple plain table salt.
Mix salt with a little warm water to form a firm pasty mixture that's not runny.
Rub this mixture on the skin to relieve the itch without scratching too deeply or causing bloodshed. Salt in a wound burns which in this case satiates the itch desire. The salt helps the skin understand to produce good oils and good stuff so that the skin can learn how to moisten itself.
If one gets too much salt on or it burns a little, use water to rinse the salt and the sting away.
-- (preferably after salt treatment) Dr. Bronner's Mint liquid soap available at health food stores and at Trader Joes. Trader Joe costs about $9 per 32oz bottle.
This helps. This eases itching and feels good and keeps the skin moist. Helps the skin heal. It's good. It works well in tandem with the salt.
-- tiger balm
Apply tiger balm to affected areas. It seems to help decrease the itching desire. I have not used this method in many years. I don't remember how it works exactly except that it has helped me in the past.
-- gasoline (I don't really recommend this...) Once, I spilled gasoline on my hand with eczema on it...the gasoline seemed to have caused the eczema to go away."
04/11/2009: Glenys from Wellington, New Zealand replies: "Hey - the comment about gasoline just triggered a memory for me. Many years ago, I got bitten by mosquitoes and/or sandflies a lot when I was staying in Auckland (New Zealand). An old-timer I knew at the time told me to put Kerosine on the bites - he said it would stop the itching and would keep away the mozzies etc. As my bites were bleeding and fairly raw because of my scratiching, I was very loathe to try this, but I finally did it. Blow me if it didn't work a treat! And, didn't sting - took away all the itch, pain, plus stopped me from getting bitten! I did stink of Kerosine tho lol."
04/11/2009: Ananda from Madrid, NM replies: "It is far healthier, easier, cheaper, etc etc. to use your own AGED pee for all external conditions. Get 5 bottles, pee in a new one each day. The 5th day urine has converted to ammonia, of course with ones own body cell salts. Massage into any external condition .. herpes, shingles, eczema, weeping eczema, gangrene (yes, amputation is not necessary!!), etc. etc. Severe condtions can keep a compress wet with the old pee. you will find tons of references if you search the web "Urine Therapy".
Also used FRESH for internal conditions, curing lots of heavies, including malaria in 10 days. Once the mind is out of the way, you will discover it tastes like vege soup .. except very strong after eating cabbage family. It cured a good friend in India with years of weeping ecaema, in a matter of a few months. now 20 years ago, and it still has not returned to him."
04/22/2010: Gwendolyn from Littleton, Nh, Usa replies: "Curious about this rememdy? How big of a jar? Just one pee or all your urine for the day? I've seen this mentioned before and wondering about this."
[YEA] 11/30/2011: Arsh from Austin, Tx, Usa: "Hi, I am sharing our own story. Our son had eczema since his birth. We had so many terrible nights, him scratching all night and us watching helplessely. We tried everything from steroid to natural home made remedies to ayurveda remedies to homeopathy, But all in vain. But things changed when our washer broke down and we bought the top of the line LG washer that has "Sanitizing wash cycle". After using the new washer our son's eczema got better within days. And this is how we believe it worked.
We were applying a lot of vaseline and aquaphor to his skin regularly as doctors reccomend. Even though we were using organic cotton clothes the vaseline was getting absorbed in the fiber of the cotton and had made a film inside the fabric. That would not only negate the purpose of using cotton but make it worse. It was breeding ground for bacteria. His clothes would feel sticky from inside even though they were looking clean. We tried boiling clothes in order to get rid of the vaseline but made no difference. But the new washer uses the sanitizing cycle and gets rid of it. It takes more than twice the time to run the cycle but the results are amazing.
For us it was nothing short of a miracle. I feel the pain of all the parents and the kids that are going through this terrible experience. But , please check if a simple change like this can make a difference in your case. I hope for the best for everyone."
[YEA] 07/18/2009: Sally from Austin, Texas: "Sea Salt baths have almost cured my eczema in a matter of weeks. Get a good one that has minerals and put about 3/4 cup into the tub. I've also started taking iodine tablets."
[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 04/12/2011: Cynthdr96 from Litchfield Park, Arizona: "My has had eczema for 3 years now. I have tried everything that the doctors have told me to do. Than just this year my started swimming at her friends house. They have a salt water pool... It was amazing, that night she came down the stairs and said look mom!!! I thought oh dear it got worse. But be hold my eyes her Eczema was so much better and almost gone. So since than I let go swim over there, and it is gone now. I just make sure that she put some lotion at night to keep the mositer in her skin. SO do a study on salt water with people with eczema, and see the difference for yourself."
[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 09/04/2010: Jen from Wilmington, Nc, Usa: "Have been avidly reading EC and referring friends for 3 years. Love it!! This is my very first post. I've struggled with severe eczema with huge blisters for 4 years. (Just found out this week it is actually bullous pemphigoid. ) Have tried many, many natural remedies both inside and outside. Wanted to share something I recently read at http://www.care2.com/c2c/groups/disc.html?gpp=10544&pst=767640. I changed the solution slightly by adding water: Put equal amounts of sea salt and baking soda in slightly warmed water until mixed. Add evening primrose oil. (No exact amounts given. ) Add all of this to distilled water and place in a spray bottle. Spray on wet eczema or blisters several times a day. I've only been doing this for 5-6 days and am amazed at how my hands and right arm have cleared up in these few days! Am hoping this might help somebody out there. Will share more later of what has and has not worked for me."
[YEA] 08/05/2011: John from Frederick, Md: "Folks, If you want to cure eczema, here is the solution. Go to an organic food store and buy a jar of Shea Butter. It is made from plants and has healed eczema rashes I've dealt with for several years. I no longer am without a jar. You will be 100% satisfied."Replies
08/05/2011: Nat from London, Uk replies: "I have all natural, virgin organic, unrefined African Shea Butter and used it for months and still can't get rid of my eczema. It was powerful in moisturizing the dry skin but not healing the eczema for me. Topical vitamin E and D and honey and wearing sandles are the only things that soothe it but still don't heal it. My case might be more severe and autoimmune related since I can't keep enough vitamin D in me."
08/08/2011: Carol from Cocoa, Fl replies: "I found that Cetaphil wash or soap the whole intire line is available lotion, cream etc., it is a very good product for the condition. You can find it in your local Wal Mart or Target or your local pharmacy. Hope it works for you."
[YEA] 05/19/2008: Trey from Minot, ND: "Eczema Remedy: I went to France last summer and my eczema went away in a matter of days. I got back to the US and it came back in a few weeks. I tried to figure out what was different in France that helped my skin. I thought the water might be and that my showers could be making my skin worse. I bought a shower filter which easily attaches right before the head of the shower for $18 at Menards. Within a few days my skin started to clear up and has been better than ever these past few months. My filter recently filled up though and quit doing its job so I had to buy a new one, so make sure you replace them if you notice your skin going bad."
[YEA] 04/28/2009: Faith from Atlanta, GA: "Some years ago I saw native people in Indonesia using soap nuts, the dry fruit of the soap berry tree, to wash their clothes. Little did I know that years later I would find them in my local health food store and that they would cure my eczema. I just started looking for a natural laundry soap because I want to clean up my life and get rid of synthetics.. The soap nuts were the only thing in the store that looked really natural. First I noticed the laundry didn't smell like chemicals. It smelled like NOTHING, absolutely nothing. After a few weeks I noticed the eczema on my shoulder blades was almost entirely gone. Getting excited I went back to the store and got soap nut laundry liquid. It contained organic essential oils of lavender, tea tree and lemongrass. It's my new bath soap and a lifetime of eczema is gone. Thanks to Maggie, for sharing the secret."
View the original article here
More To Read:
- Treatment of Eczema
- How to treat eczema
- Cream for eczema
- How to cure Eczema
- Wild Naturals Eczema & Psoriasis Cream Review
- Eczema Natural Remedies
- Treating and coping with skin rashes in an effective way
- How to can Eliminate Allergic reactions
- How to eliminate eczema naturally - more secure method to finish eczema continuously
- All About Eczema
- Types of Eczema
- Eczema and what you need to know about
- A Thing or Two About Atopic Eczema
- 5 Actions that can help you get rid of your eczema
- The Power of Aloe Vera
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