by Shannon Smith, BSN, RN, 12 June 2012 13:41

Contact dermatitis is a skin condition that is often assumed in respect of eczema. It describes a skin reaction to certain environmental factors. Often children are more likely to contact because of their sensitive skin dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is generally regarded as an acute case of inflammation where eczema is often considered to be a chronic dermatitis. The cause of allergic contact dermatitis can be an allergic reaction to a food or a sensitivity to a shampoo or SOAP.
Allergic contact dermatitis is confined to the area of contact and its immediate surroundings and is caused by an allergic reaction, rather than a chemical reaction that would be classified in contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is one of the simplest forms of eczema to identify, as it appears in the minutes of contact. Which makes it easy to know what caused the irritation. Just as it happens quickly, contact dermatitis disappears quickly, too - often within hours. However, the condition sometimes takes days or weeks before passing. It appears as a red zone and usually occurs with itching, burning, blistering and rashes.
Almost everyone will experience contact dermatitis if they come into contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac. Other people suffer allergic contact dermatitis if they come into contact with any variety of items, ranging from nickel, rubber, some shampoos or soaps. In some rare cases, contact dermatitis can be accomplished by solar radiation (Phototoxic)
The most common types of treatment are simple remedies of personal care that can be made at home. Using a cold and damp gauze, apply moisturizing lotion or relief, taking Benadryl and applying hydrocortisone or zinc oxide is common and effective ways to treat allergic dermatitis and contact. Remove the irritant is also one of the most important treatments. For children using a mild soap or another type of detergent will often help reduce contact dermatitis.
Severe forms of contact dermatitis are those that persist for days, was attended by severe itching, pain or other irritations. Professional health using corticosteroids or antihistamines must generally treat these severe cases of contact dermatitis.